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SWBC SFX and video editing Showcase
This video showcases Avery Mullen's video editing skill with the SWBC DX official trailer. All sounds and music are orignal and created/composed by Avery Mullen. All 3d models/ships seen in the video were created by him in Blender.
This video showcases SFX and music from Avery Mullen's self-published mobile game SWBC DX, which was available on the Google Play store. All SFX and music were made in Mixcraft Pro Studio and Reaper DAW, and implemented with WWise integration in Unity.
Published Games

Game Projects


Avery Mullen is an American game developer, game designer, sound designer and composer employed at OneWayTicketStudio in South Korea. He is currently working on "The Midnight Walkers" on Steam.
Throughout his life, gaming was always a favorite hobby of his and he's found a way to fit his talent for design and music into it professionally. A graduate from Abertay University 2023, he's the former team lead of Two Tailed Fox's self-published Google Play title "Space War Battle Cadet DX", made with Unity and WWise audio middleware. He has built up a diverse skillset and professional experience along with multiple OST EP's and Singles on Spotify from his games. Click on his personally designed album art below to visit his Spotify page.
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